The massage was some "reflexology" massage - foot-based I believe. Well, it really was not very relaxing to me. Apparently, my mom and my sister both really liked it. It was just rather stressful for me, ironically. The lady giving me the massage was...lets say, powerful. Her fingers are STRONG and she perhaps could have used more lotion to prevent significant friction between her fingers and my skin. It was only $20 though, and part of it was relaxing. I'm guessing she teased out some tension, but overall I wished I had gone to a more Western-style massage.
After, we got a haircut from Le Nam salon somewhere else in Garden Grove. The lady was nice, talked a lot to me and my mom, and cut my hair well. Yay. I think I should just keep my hair about shoulder/chin length. It looks nice. Only problem is that the $60 messed-up perm is still left in my hair and prevents my hair from relaxing into a nice straight 'do whenever I wake up.
Next up, we went to Royal Thai Restaurant because Thai Gulf in Newport Beach was closed on Monday. My mom wanted to take me there, but I'm glad it was closed. This place was nearby and it was good. The lady was really nice. I have photos which I'll have to upload later, but the food was pretty good (not the best, but large portions and tasty) and the service (particularly the one lady) was attentive and awesome. The owner lady was so sweet and cute, what with her hawaiian shirt, and her easy-going behavior. She took pictures for us and even took a picture with me standing on the seats when I asked her! It was awesome. Plus, free drink via yelp! check-in is nice ;P Full review with pics to come on yelp later. But, take-home message: try out Royal Thai restaurant if you're in Garden Grove and want cheap good Thai food with nice service!
That was just in the evening that I came back home from Berkeley! The days following have been full and fun as well! Best part of being home, though, I have to say, is spending time with family and my boyfriend...and BAKING! A little preview of some things I did:

The last picture is a real winner of a baked treat! Can't wait to post about it! And you all should definitely try this recipe out if you wanna wow some people!
Well, hopefully, I will post tomorrow on my summer adventures!